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ALC Celebrates Wellness Week

Event Healthy lifestyle choices are part of the ALC curriculum, so students and staff enjoy participating in  National Wellness Week each year.  As part of the week’s activities, classrooms will be participating in lessons and activities focused around healthy eating and exercise.  Each of our eighteen classrooms has made a poster to highlight a topic of their choosing related to health and wellness.  The posters are hanging around the school to remind us to adopt healthy habits every day, and they will be on display during our parent-teacher conferences this week.  Another special event for Wellness Week is the ALC Wellness Challenge.  Each of our classrooms has been challenged to complete ten specific wellness activities during the week, including things like taking a nature hike, eating a green vegetable, marching in place for 2 minutes, and playing ball with a friend.  As classes complete each of the 10 challenges, they can place a sticker for their classroom by each task on a special tracking poster that is located on our Health and Wellness bulletin board.  Classes that complete all ten challenges by the end of the week will receive a certificate.

Being healthy does not stop at school and we encourage families to take an active role in promoting health and wellness at home.  We all have very busy schedules but adopting healthy habits can have great benefits for all members of the family.  Even doing simple things like replacing soda, juice, and other sugary drinks with water or trying to have children be active for 30-60 minutes each day can make a difference.  There are many great resources out there to provide families with guidance toward adopting a healthier lifestyle.  Listed below are several links to tip sheets or short articles that can help families get started down the road to being more active and healthy.